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About J.S. Mortiroe


YA Fantasy Fiction Writer

photo of author J.S. Mortiroe

Hi I'm Jules.

I'm a story teller, that likes to blend reality with fantasy. I've been writing stories since I was very young, where I spent most of my early childhood in Africa. I would go on adventures, usually only as far as the back garden, or down the lane, but it was my imagination that took me to far magical lands. This is where my love for creative writing began.


I now live in the Northwest of England, in my cosy flat with my boyfriend and cat. My cat is the loudest feline I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.


I currently work for the NHS and when I’m not writing I like to watch films, read books, go to conventions and play tabletop role playing games. This is the most creative fun you can have with a group of friends.


My website is dedicated to sharing the stories I create and connecting with a wider audience of fantasy fiction fanatics.

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